Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Political Cartoon #7

This is "Birther Trump" by Keefe of the Denver Post. It shows Donald Trump tooting a horn, which is playing a note labeled "Obama's Birth Certificate". The caption "Donald 'One-Note' Trump" suggests that Trump doesn't have much going for him and has very little to say beside questioning Obama's eligibility for President.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Political Cartoon #6

This is "PA. Legislative Payroll" by Randy Bish of the Pittsburgh Times-Review. It shows a truck labeled "PA. Legislative Payroll" going off a cliff, in the opposite direction of "reality". This is to represent how ridiculous and out of control the payroll is Pennsylvania government is.

Political Cartoon #5

This is "The Dam Debt" by Taylor Jones of the Hoover Digest. The cartoon uses the image of the Hoover Dam as a metaphor for the problems with debt and and figuring out how to fix it. The debt is overflowing over and cracking through the dam, which represents fiscal sanity. This is to say that the government is losing its fiscal sanity and the debt is overwhelming them.

Political Cartoon #4

This is "I Hate Unions", another cartoon by Daryl Cagle of The cartoon is satirizing Reupblicans (represented in the cartoon by elephants, of course) and their ridiculous outrage and hatred towards unions. The artist seems to suggest that they all just want to outdo each other in their hatred, like small children